Next-generation clinical decision support system

What is eChoice?

eCHOICE is a next-generation clinical decision support system that is tailored to the unique needs of the aged care environment. 

The purpose-built software was created by Choice Aged Care in response to the unmet needs of aged care providers, pharmacists, geriatricians, GPs, nurses, medication carers, and residents. 

eCHOICE is ‘Embedding Quality Use of Medicines in Aged Care’ via sophisticated clinical governance algorithms, dynamic data interoperability, and empowered multidisciplinary workflows.

Our Solutions

  1. Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMRs) & Respite Medication Reviews / Home Medication Reviews (HMRs)
  2. eCHOICE MedsCheck
  3. Quarterly Chemical Restraint Reviews (QCRR)

  4. Geriatrician Medication Review (GMR)

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  1. MedsCheck
  2. RestraintCheck
  3. PolypharmacyCheck
  4. CrushCheck
  5. OpioidCheck
  6. AntimicrobialCheck
  7. AnticholinergicCheck
  8. PsychotropicCheck
  9. DeprescribeCheck

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    1. AdmissionRiskCheck
    2. FallsRiskCheck
    3. DeliriumRiskCheck

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  1. Consumer Aged Care BUDDY
  2. Carer Aged Care BUDDY
  3. Clinician Aged Care BUDDY

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  • Supports geriatrician services relating to Comprehensive Geriatrician Reviews; palliative and pain medication reviews; restrictive practices protocols and behaviour support plans; and high-risk resident reviews.
  • Facilitates all components of the geriatricians service (referral from GP; data collection/integration; consultation with nurses, onsite pharmacist, resident and family; report write-up; report communication to facility and GP; claiming and follow-up reviews);
  • Data interoperability with leading electronic medication systems and digital care platforms to minimise any manual data entry;
  • Clinical governance mechanisms that support appropriate targeting of residents who would benefit the most from geriatrician assessment and interventions;
  • Referral algorithms that align the geriatrician’s service to the care providers medication policy and clinical governance framework;
  • Quality/accountability reporting on the geriatrician’s service impact (interventions and outcomes).

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Aged Care Pharmacists

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